Though I was pooped from last week's marathon studio session and my art show in Sedona, I did manage to get a few more pieces completed this week. Aren't you proud of me?
This piece is a 20" x 20" Shaman Panel which will hang square or diagonally. Yes, that is real copper you see accenting the piece. There is real copper on all my fusions.
This piece is an original sculpture with an original acrylic painting and it floats off the wall about 1 to 2 inches for even more dimensional effect. The price is $375.00* and you can order it or one like it by e-mailing me at or calling me at (602) 570-8505.
I also finished a couple more Southwestern style art Petroglyph panels below - one is a Southwestern Petroglyph Panel featuring Shaman figures known as Basketmakers and the second one is a Dragonfly Petroglyph Panel. Both of these sell for $625.00* each. And don't forget I take Visa and Mastercard as well as checks and money orders and I ship! (*Shipping and applicable sales taxes extra - no sales tax on orders shipped outside Arizona)I am now going to go and paint my toes and have a martini - I just posted a great recipe for a Berry Martini and I'm thinking that sounds good right about now! BTW, if you like Marilyn Monroe - check out my latest post about her on my The Road to Diva Blog!
Here's where I blog about my newest art pieces, how they came to be and how I am creating a better life as an artist through a new attitude.
Friday, April 25, 2008
New Southwestern Art - Petroglyph Panels featuring Dragonflies and Shamen
Posted by
Pop Art Diva Enterprises
1:24 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
I worked my behind off this week and finished 13 new pieces of art for my show this weekend in Sedona.
The textures you see are actually sculpted in but that's hard to really appreciate on the web so if you are driving through Northern Arizona this weekend stop by the art show at the Tequa Marketplace, by the Hilton Resort on 179 in Sedona. (Here's the ad (which I designed for the show) with the directions!)
Most of the work was already in the sculpture stage, some needed the second sculpting step, some needed the paintings but it was still a lot of work.
The top image is a 20" x 20" Rainbow Abstract Mirror which will sell for $425.00*. (Yes, that's a photoshopped fake mirror, I had to photo the art before I put the mirror in.) The mirror will hang in any direction square or diagonally.
I used to do mirrors ages ago and for some reason I quit. Now I'm doing them again - people like mirrors because they're practical so it gives them an excuse to buy art!I'm not one to waste anything so the middle part of the mirror was used to make some mini fusions! I rarely do anything smaller than 10"x30" but I've been asked for smaller pieces so, voila, little 10"x10" fusions.
I did six of these, 4 Rainbow abstracts and 2 Southwest - the SW one pictured here has dragonflies on it.
I'm going to take a nice fresh sharpie and if anyone wants I will add an inspirational saying to the rainbow abstracts.
These little buggers are kind of cute - I like them! And they all will hang in any direction square or diagonally too.
These mini fusions will sell for $125.00*
That's it for art this week - these pretty much took up all my waking hours and some of my sleeping hours too! I have the rest of the afternoon today before my show so I'm posting to a few of my blogs, painting my toenails (more painting!) and I'm going to have a martini from The Martini Diva and a nice steak and then collapse!
*Plus any applicable sales taxes and shipping costs where applicable
Posted by
Pop Art Diva Enterprises
3:07 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
Sometime ago I wrote an article for my NORMAL CHALLENGED ARTIST blog entitled "If Your Art Gets Stolen" and Empty has posted it in their General Art Advice section entitled "My Art Was Stolen! What Do I Do?"
Empty Easel is a great site for artists so be sure to check it out and bookmark it - there's ton's of useful information for artists of all kinds.
I will be doing an art show at the Bell Rock Plaza in the Village of Oak Creek/Sedona on Highway 179 this weekend on Saturday and Sunday. The show hours are from 10 - 5, though I sometimes cut out early (hey, I'm old so cut me some slack, lol).
I have been busy but mostly doing some ads and other stuff so no new pictures today. Next week I should have a bunch of new pieces to post.
Be sure to stop by The NORMAL CHALLENGED ARTIST today for information on my teleseminar series on HOW TO DO ART SHOWS. The first teleseminar is "How to Prepare for an Art Show" and will be this coming Monday at 3 p.m. EST and it's FREE!
Posted by
Pop Art Diva Enterprises
11:20 AM
Monday, April 7, 2008
I've been a busy little bee this week - or a busy little ducky with a thong issue, whatever the case, I've created two - count them - two new pop arts inspired by posts on some of my other blogs! And I created the ad in the post below and have 3 new sculpture fusions done!
Plus I am preparing to be interviewed for a teleseminar on Preparing for An Art Show!
Anyway, back to ducks and thongs - I was a little bugged by a few anal retentive busy bodies who try to get me to "keep my ducks in a row" so I kvetched about it on BRAT in the HAT. I needed some art to go with the rant so I powered up my graphics computer, photographed the rubber ducks and made some fun little pixs for the post. Then I decided they would make a great pop art for a kid's room or for anyone who is an odd duck and had to do the pop art Rubber Duckys - Ducks of a Different Color.
The day before I was blogging about thongs/flip-flops on my pop culture blog and needed a graphic for the post so away I went on a thong pop art mission and "Flip Flops Aren't Thongs?" was born!
See, artists really do work! And you thought we slept 'til noon and ate bon bons in bed all day, didn't you?
Posted by
Pop Art Diva Enterprises
8:37 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I just finished this ad proof for a Fine Art Show Promoter, Sedona Fine Art Productions. It turned out pretty nice - if I do say so myself.
Considering the photos I had to work with I managed to clean them up, take out messy backgrounds and pump up the colors for good contract and to highlight the art as best I could. This image is a little less than half the final print size - the final ad will be 5" x 5.55" in full color and run in the Kudos Magazine which is distributed throughout the Verde Valley, Sedona, Flagstaff and Prescott areas.
Yes, that is one of my Original Painted Sculpture Fusions in the top left hand corner - one advantage of doing the show and being the ad designer! Plus my art is quite colorful and it grabs attention.
I did this kind of design for several decades - won a few nice little awards - can you say Clio? Had my little moment in the sun and enjoyed the accolades and perks, but I'm more into my fine art these days. But I do still love design work.
BTW, if you happen to be coming to Sedona or the Northern Arizona area next weekend stop by and say Hi - you can't miss my booth - I'll have the brightest art there - or just keep an eye out for Pixel - she's my boon companion, has become the art show mascot and is always with me ready to receive a cookie or two!
Posted by
Pop Art Diva Enterprises
11:17 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Someone asked me if I did all my own graphics the other day. Yes, I do - especially since I spent twenty years as a graphic designer and illustrator for my own graphics firm. I was an award winning graphic designer with a huge client list and the ulcers that came with that list.
I still do graphic design - though it's no longer my main source of revenue. I gave up the rat race of advertising over 20 years ago and now I only do graphic design for a very select number of clients and for myself.
I really love graphic design and with my website and a number of blogs I get to do a lot of fun graphics and animations for them. I'm my own favorite client!
This graphic - There Are No Bad Martinis - was created as a tee shirt design for my Martini Blog and I used design elements from my masthead/logo in the design for brand continuity . I wanted to have something to give away in promotional campaigns and created this yesterday. (Then I decided to set it up for other products for a CafePress store too - which means today I will spend the day setting up another CafePress page!)
I will occasionally take on a new client if I find their project interesting, they have the budget for my fees and if I feel I can work with them. It's nice to have a choice - and a healthy stomach lining!
Posted by
Pop Art Diva Enterprises
7:54 AM